Moving Day tomorrow so excited

Tomorrow we will be moving farther north to a better location where we can kayak and swim right from the campground. Breezy pines has it’s advantages in being in town close to stores and we have a nice shady spot to camp but Sunshine Key is definitely going to be a better spot to have a little water fun. We did go out for quite a kayak trip the other day but not much scenery or any public beaches to rest at. It was fun but I would not drop in over here again. 

Mel Fisher Maritime Museum : 2 thumbs down

Mel Fisher Maritime Museum : 2 thumbs down

Not what I expected. For being the greatest treasure ever found there were only a few pieces like this displayed. they could have had more pictures of the dive and maybe some more footage of the recovery. Maybe they want you to buy that stuff. Don’t waste your money on this one. The story has it they use to let people hold one of the pieces of raw gold in a special case until some low life stole it.

The Turtle Hospital in Marathon

The Turtle Hospital in Marathon

The other day we went to see The Turtle Hospital in Marathon. They rescue injured and sick Sea turtles. And release as many as they can back into the wild. I chose this place for wild animal touring because they actually help the ecosystem and only keep those turtles that are too injured to return to the wild. Many of them can not return because they have been hit by boats and have traumatic injuries. When the boat hits the shell hard enough sometimes it gets tiny air bubbles underneath it which make the turtles unable to submerge. The staff refer to it as bubble butt syndrome. May of these guys also have gashes in there shells which sometimes require a staple bar and glue. The staff will place weights on them and make sure they can swim. The ones they can not keep and can not house are looking for new homes at aquariums.
There are also some of them that have a tumor causing virus that requires surgery for removal. Then they will house them for a year to make sure they don’t have reoccurrence and have built back up their immunity.
Still other turtles are here because they eat things they shouldn’t and get impacted or they get hooks caught in their throat. They eat things like fishing nets, bottle tops, tee shirts, shoes, candy wrappers… Many do not require surgery just TLC and laxative. In time they pass the items and are back to health in a few months.


Dinner at The Commodore Waterfront Restaurant

Dinner at The Commodore Waterfront Restaurant

Ask me why this picture is in black and white? Well it’s because Mark and I have slightly burnt faces and it looked better in black and white. Breathtaking views of the harbor in the Historic Seaport District. I should have taken a picture of the Yacht that came in. It was like ” The Life Styles of the Rich and Famous”.

Southernmost beach (in name only)

Southernmost beach (in name only)

Tennessee Williams swam at this beach and proclaimed that the best work he ever done was when he was here.
Well, yes this is not the southern most beach in the continental USA. It is actually in Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park. Mark and I are actually planning a trip there later this week :).